Sunday, July 6, 2008

My CRAZY Girls

I am so proud of my daughters! They are wonderful, hardworking, faithful women who are living great lives. They do however have a very funny habit. They LOVE to take goofy pictures of themselves together in random places with silly faces. Last year on our trip to New York they took probably 50 pictures of just the two of them in front of everyplace we visited, and many in front of nothing in particular. It is an obsession!! Anyway...I thought I would post one of my favorites. Aren't they so cute????? Silly girls!!!!!


Ramon said...

I miss you guys, but most of all those crazy cousins of mine. Now if we can just plan a vacation together!!! What do they think of Venice next year? Ask them and let me know, and keep the blog updated.


Shelly said...

Ramon...Venice? Come on now...I will go if someone pays! I am still in school and will be in school next summer too! But we should definatley plan something.